***AISD Families*** AISD Meal Pickup (breakfast/lunch) will be from 10:00 to 12:30 at the Elementary School Gym. Masks are required at pickup. If In quarantine please do not come to pickup meals, let the office know and meals will be delivered. 907-886-4121 *Please note* Information in regards to homework pick up will be posted by the individual buildings and a PowerSchool text will go out first thing in the morning for meal pickup time.
about 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
ATTENTION AISD FAMILIES: AISD will be moving to remote learning starting 1/10-1/14. Look for messages through PowerSchool for additional updates regarding meal pick-up times and locations. We will continue to deliver meals and learning packets to students in quarantine. AISD will continue to monitor conditions closely and coordinate with both MIC and AISU. Please check your emails, texts, and the District's Facebook and Website for additional updates. #aisd #aisdproud #metlakatla #metlakatlaak
about 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
AISD Letter stating remote learning will take place 1/10-1/14.
AISD's website it temporarily offline as we make way for our brand new site, which launches tomorrow 1/7! If you need access to sonething before the new site is live, please email ljohnson@aisdk12.org #aisd #aisproud #education #website #metlakatla #metlakatlaak #alaska #school
about 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
a blue background with a yellow box "AISD's Website is under construction" with a construction worker and the AISD logo
Update for Chiefs & Miss Chiefs games this week: Due to a recent spike of COVID-19 cases in both Metlakatla and Craig, the scheduled games for 1/7 and 1/8 have been cancelled. They are tentatively scheduled for 2/18 & 2/19. #aisd #aisdproud #gochiefs #gomisschiefs #basketball #covid
about 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
I would like to give a huge shot out to our Superintendent Taw Lindsey and the maintenance crew for going around and making sure the district is safe and prepared for students to come back to school tomorrow. What an incredible Superintendent to go around personally and salt the parking lot and shovel it out while the maintenance crew is going around as well working tirelessly in the cold! Thank you for all that you do!
about 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
Superintendent Taw Lindsey lays salt on the parking lot on the school campus.
Don't forget to get a boost in COVID-19 Coverage! Stay in school, travel for sports, and get boosted! #metlakatla #aisd #covidbooster #covid
about 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
Students age 16-17 may be eligible for their Covid-19 booster shots . Contact AISE to schedule your appointment.  886-4741.  Booster can be done at least 6 months from 2nd Pfizer vaccines.
Be safe as you travel to Ketchikan and beyond this holiday season! #metlakatla #annetteislandschooldistrict #covidsafety #aisd
about 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
cartoon woman wearing a mask, caption says Be Smart, Stay Safe
While travelling off island: Get Covid Vaccination/Booster.  wear Your mask.  Avoid crowded locations.  Carry and use hand sanitizer.  Order take-out rather than in person dining.  At games and events, socially distance with your small group.
Don't forget this is the last week before winter break! District-Wide Early Out, Friday @ 1:30. No school from 12/20-04 Staff return 01/03! #winterbreak #merrychristmas #HappyNewYear
about 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
AISD Winter break reminder district-wide early out friday at 1:30 Break 12/120-1/4 Staff return 1/3
Congratulations to Tain & Clifton on their featured story in Scholastic News! Read Tain's Story and watch the video here: https://sn2.scholastic.com/.../classroom.../reader.html... #AISD #AISDProud #metlakatlaalaska #metlakatla #education #scholasticnews #alaska
about 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
The FCC will announce how to roll your EBB benefits into this new long-term program in the coming weeks. The monthly benefit for those of us living on tribal lands should remain the same at 75$ dollars a month. You can still apply for EBB in the meantime, remember to select that you live on tribal lands for the 75$ dollar benefit. AISD is a community eligibility provision school so please select you have a child who qualifies for a free and reduced lunch to automatically qualify for EBB. Apply now at https://getemergencybroadband.org/how-to-apply/ Please reach out to Joe Henry with any additional questions at (907) 886-6000 extension 2276.
about 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
Cartoon of children, a pencil, and an arm with a puzzle piece with "EBB" on it.  Emergency Broadband Benefit.  Putting the pieces together for success this school year?  Internet access is a crucial piece of the puzzle. A new FCC program provides a qualifying household with up to $50 off their internet. bill.  Enroll now!
Today is the last day for our MHS Pep Club See's Candy Fundraiser! Click the link below to place your order now, or find a Pep Club Member to order through: https://www.yumraising.com/.../mhspc_mhs_pep.../candy...
about 3 years ago, Annette Island School District