MHS Junior Scarlett Eaton created this stunning eagle in Native Arts class! She began Native Arts last year. This piece took a few months to complete! Amazing job, Scarlett!
#mhs #metlakatlahighschool #artist #student #tsimshian #nativeart #metlakatla #alaska #education #arteducation
Kendall Booth created this stunning wolf painting in Native Arts class. This is her FIRST painting- what an incredible job, Kendall!
#mhs #metlakatlahighschool #aisd #aisdproud #nativearts #tsimshian #artist #student #metlakatla #alaska
Mason Nelson created this stunning paddle in Native Arts class! Mason, a senior at MHS, is interested in both digital and traditional art. She has been working on the paddle since the beginning of the school year: carving, sanding, designing, transferring, and painting her stunning design inspired by her Raven clan. She included a hand to symbolize people, as well as a salmon. Well done, Mason!
#mhs #metlakatlahighschool #aisd #aisdproud #tsimshian #nativeart #metlakatla #alaska #student #artist
Don't forget to take the "School Climate Connectedness Survey" and enter for a Chance to Win a $100 Leask Gift Certificate! The results of this anonymous survey will help continue our efforts toward a safe, supportive, and caring place for all students!
Once you have completed the survey, you can send a screenshot of the "Thank You for taking our survey!" page at the end of the survey with your name and phone number to to be entered into a raffle for a $100 Leask Gift Certificate!
Read more here:
Click the appropriate link below to get started on the survey:
Family Link-RJES
Family Link-CLMS
Family Link-MHS
#aisd #aisdproud #survey #metlakatla #community #school #Alaska #education
ON TO THE NEXT ROUND! Alicia Feak-Lent & Amelia Miller are Gates Scholarship finalists and they will now start prepping for the interview section! Congratulations! We are so proud of you!
#mhs #metlakatlahighschool #metlakatla #alaska #education #classof2022 #collegebound #scholarship #college #tsimshian
Another incredible student artist, Bethany Bevis! Bethany created this incredible killer whale, sketching, tracing, transferring and painting her final design in Metlakatla High School's Native Arts class. Amazing work!
#mhs #metlakatlahighschool #nativearts #tsimshian #art #student #artist #metlakatla #alaska #killerwhale
Check out this amazing artwork created by Tricia Lindsey! Created in MHS' Native Arts Class, this raven took Tricia about two weeks to finish with designing, sketching, tracing, and painting. Incredible!
#mhs #metlakatlahighschool #nativearts #studentartist #tsimshian #art #raven #alaska #education #metlakatla
Check out our students Ryley & Pyper Booth! Dive tending for their father Chris Booth on the geoduck opener. Way to go girls!
#aisd #aisdproud #mhs #metlakatlahighschool #geoduck #alaska #metlakatla #fishing #students
Check out one of our seniors! Dylan Hudson working alongside his brother Ryan Hudson and father Kevin Hudson. Together they were welding the new end on the Tamgas creek Hatchery ramp. Dylan made some of the parts with his High School instructor Tyson Hayward. The ramp is hung with the new 1/2" steel hangers that Mr. Hayward and Dylan built at school. Great job Dylan!
#mhs #metlakatlahighschool #welding #cte #welder #metlakatla #alaska #education
Attention AISD Families:
The School Climate and Connectedness Survey is open NOW through March 25th! The results of this anonymous survey will help continue our efforts toward a safe, supportive, and caring place for all students.
The survey is open to one parent/guardian per student, per school. If you have students in different schools, you are welcome to take the survey more than once.
Once you have completed the survey, you can send a screenshot of the "Thank You for taking our survey!" page at the end of the survey with your name and phone number to to be entered into a raffle for a $100 Leask Gift Certificate!
Read more here:
Click the appropriate link below to get started on the survey:
Family Link-RJES
Family Link-CLMS
Family Link-MHS
#aisd #aisdproud #education #metlakatla #alaska
Attention AISD Families:
The School Climate and Connectedness Survey is open NOW through March 25th! The results of this anonymous survey will help continue our efforts toward a safe, supportive, and caring place for all students.
The survey is open to one parent/guardian per student, per school. If you have students in different schools, you are welcome to take the survey more than once.
Once you have completed the survey, you can send a screenshot of the "Thank You for taking our survey!" page at the end of the survey with your name and phone number to to be entered into a raffle for a $100 Leask Gift Certificate!
Read more here:
Click the appropriate link below to get started on the survey:
Family Link-RJES Family Link-CLMS Family Link-MHS
#aisd #aisdproud #education #metlakatla #alaska
If you see these two around make sure to give them a huge congratulations!!!
Alicia Feak-Lent was just awarded the Arthur Schulte Scholarship in the amount of $94,000 to University of Portland. Her academic achievements have demonstrated her
commitment to higher learning, and we are confident she will continue to excel here on The Bluff.
Mercedes Leask was selected as a recipient of the Western Undergraduate Exchange Program (WUE). WUE is among the most valuable, and therefor competitive, scholarships offered at Montana State University at $72,000.00
#mhs #metlakatlahighschool #education #collegebound #metlakatla #alaska #montanastateuniversity #universityofportland
MHS Pep Club would like to thank everyone for a successful Bake Sale! Thank you to everyone who donated and purchased baked goods!
#mhs #metlakatlahighschool #pepclub #gochiefs #gomisschiefs #metlakatla #basketball #alaska
Don't forget to check out these summer options that the high school students have been presented with: College Horizons & Rural Alaska Honors Institute, both GREAT Summer options! Applications are due March 1st. Let Mrs. Martinez know if you have any questions.
You can also click on the links and see the flyers here:
#mhs #metlakatlahighschool #summer #education #aisd #aisdproud #metlakatla #alaska
It is that time of year again! We are looking for the Class of 2022 Scholarship fund donations! Our committee is extremely proud of the contributions that are donated each year and take this fund seriously when awarding applicants. Please let Chelsea Martinez know if you have any interest or further questions:
#mhs #metlakatlahighschool #gochiefs #education #college #scholarships #metlakatla #alaska
It's official: Annette Island School District has an APP! With the app, you can:
1. Stay up-to-date with school announcements
2. Learn about upcoming events
3. Access needed contact information quickly
4. And more!
Download for Android
Download for iPhone
We hope you're as excited as we are! Wayi wah!
#aisd #aisdproud #metlakatla #alaska #app #education #communication
MHS Pep Club is having a Bake Sale during the basketball games this Thursday & Friday (February 18 & 19) in the High School Commons! Friday starting @ 5:00 pm and Saturday starting @ 4:00 pm.
If you would like to donate baked goods, they can be dropped off in the high school office February 17 & 18. ALL ITEMS MUST BE INDIVIDUALLY PACKAGED (i.e. 5 cookies in a sandwiched bag/1 muffin in cellophone/1 loaf of bread per ziploc). All proceeds will go towards Pep Club travel to Regionals. Thank you!
#mhs #metlakatlahighschool #pepclub #aisd #aisdproud #alaska #education #metlakatla
Looking for a summer job? Adventure Ketchikan Tours is hiring for their summer season! This is an incredible opportunity just across the way! Come meet with Candi Scudero this Wednesday at 7:00 in the MHS Commons. #mhs #aisdproud #summerjob #metlakatla #adventureketchikantours #alaska #education
Dear Metlakatla and Ketchikan Communities:
The attached letter was received this week from the KHS Pep Club students.
You can also click the link to read the letter:
If you would like to contact AISD regarding this matter, please email:
#aisd #aisdproud
Dear Metlakatla and Ketchikan Communities: Please see the attached letter from AISD regarding the 2/5/22 Chiefs vs. Kayhi basketball game.
You can also click the link below to read the letter:
If you would like to contact AISD regarding this incident, please email:
#aisd #aisdproud