Attention AISD & Metlakatla Community: You're invited to the official launch of the AISD Xsoo, ‘Wiileeksa Goop! Please join us Wednesday May 25th at 9:00am at Taquan/Front Beach.
We hope to see you there!
#aisd #aisdproud #mhs #clms #rjes #metlakatla #alaska #education #canoe #xsoo #Tsimshian
Congratulations to the Metlakatla High School Class of 2022! We're so proud of you!
#mhs #metlakatlahighschool #classof2022 #highschoolsenior #graduation #grad #alaska #education #graduated
Our Metlakatla High School Graduation begins at 2:00! Here is the live stream link:
#mhs #metlakatlahighschool #aisd #graduation #metlakatla #alaska
Day 4 of Sea Week! Our students loved playing in the sunshine! Check out all the photos of our Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, and 3rd Grade students from today!
#rjes #richardjohnsonelementary #seaweek #education #metlakatla #alaska #school #elementary
Attention RJES Pre-K Families:
Friday, May 20, 2022 will be our regular schedule day.
8:00 AM class arrives
12:00 AM Class dismissed
12:00 PM class arrives
3:15 PM Class dismissed
There will be a barbecue lunch provided for BOTH CLASSES tomorrow! The Afternoon Class will eat when they arrive at school.
Thank you!
Ms. McCarty and Ms. Autumn
#rjes #richardjohnsonelementary #prek #aisd #aisdproud #metlakatla #education #alaska
Sea Week continues with digging for crabs, star fish, rock/paper/scissors, and more! Mrs. Cook's 2nd graders dug for crabs on the shore line and caught a bunch for a crab feast! Mrs. Pike's class went to Moss Point and found a variety of starfish, clams, birds, and more.
Lots of pictures on our website!
#rjes #richardjohnsonelementary #aisd #aisdproud #metlakatla #alaska #education #seaweek #education
Congratulations Amelia Miller, 2022 Gates Scholarship recipient! With this scholarship, Miller will be debt free as ALL her costs of college at PAID! We are so proud of you!
#mhs #metlakatlahighschool #aisd #aisdproud #gatesscholar #scholarship #winner #student #metlakatla #alaska
Senior Highight: Dylan Hudson!
#mhs #metlakatlahighschool #aisd #aisdproud #senior #classof2022 #graduate #alaska #metlakatla
The Richard Johnson Elementary School annual Sea Week is off to a great start! Even with uncooperative weather, our students have been getting out and exploring. Today, some classes walked and other classes were bussed to beaches to visit tide pools, looking for sea creatures and plants. Thank you to our awesome teaching and district staff for coordinating this awesome week long adventure!
Click this link to view lots of photos:
#rjes #richardjohnsonelementary #seaweek #aisd #aisdproud #education #metlakatla #alaska #students #fieldtrip #beach
Senior Highlight: Aidan Christiansen-Wilson!
#mhs #metlakatlahighschool #aisd #aisdproud #senior #classof2022 #graduate #alaska #metlakatla
Attention CLMS Families:
8th Grade Ketchikan Trip Permission Slip Forms are due TOMORROW 5/20 by 3:25!
Click the link to fill out online:
#clms #aisd #aisdproud #fieldtrip #metlakatla #alaska
Yesterday, AISD and members of our community celebrated the naming of the xsoo, ‘Wiileeksa Goop (Great Big Wave)! Students and staff from all three schools gathered in the MHS gym to listen to speakers, and then walked down to the covered court to sing "Da̱’a̱xłgm Dm Lip Al’algya̱g̱m (We Speak for Ourselves)". They hung a cedar wreath and placed cedar boughs and four copper shields under the xsoo, and spoke its name together.
T'oya̱xsut 'nüün to everyone involved in putting this wonderful ceremony together, and to our community for your incredible support!
There are many more photos on the latest blog post, click to see more!
#aisd #aisdproud #education #metlakatla #tsimshian #xsoo #canoe
Dear Pre-K families,
Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 17, it is supposed to rain! No Beach trip.
We will have a regular schedule tomorrow.
AM Class arrive at 8:00. Dismiss at 12:00.
PM Class will arrive at 12:00 PM and dismiss at 3:15.
Thank you!
#rjes #seaweek #richardjohnsonelementary #aisd #aisdproud #metlakatla #alaska
ATTENTION AISD COMMUNITY! Due to the weather, our xsoo ceremony will be moved to the covered basketball court.
See you soon!
#aisd #aisdproud #community #metlakatla #education #canoe #canoelaunch #alaska
Senior Highlight: Tyanna Williams!
#mhs #metlakatlahighschool #student #classof2022 #highschoolsenior #metlakatla #alaska #education
Attention MHS Students! The deadline is approaching for these amazing Summer Programs presented by Sealaska Heritage Institute!
-Latseen NW Coast Arts Academy: July 9th-20th. Deadline for Application is May 13th!
-Opening the Box HS STEAM Academy: June 25th-July 3rd. Deadline for Application: May 27th!
Click HERE to start your application!
#mhs #metlakatlahighschool #steam #nativearts #sealaska #sealaskaheritageinstitute #metlakatla #alaska #education #summer
Senior Highlight: Canren Roelfs!
#mhs #metlakatlahighschool #student #classof2022 #highschoolsenior #metlakatla #alaska #education
Remember a few months ago when we asked the community to submit an entry for Sweetwater Music and their Instrument Giveaway? Well... WE WON! We found out today that AISD will be receiving $25,000 in new music instruments from Sweetwater Sound!
Thank you to everyone for submitting your entires, and to Sweetwater Sound for this incredible prize!
#mhs #metlakatlahighschool #clms #middleschool #aisd #aisdproud #music #musiceducation #metlakatla #alaska #band
Senior Highlight: Samantha Marsden!
#mhs #metlakatlahighschool #student #classof2022 #highschoolsenior #metlakatla #alaska #education
Senior Highlight: Amelia Miller!
#mhs #metlakatlahighschool #student #classof2022 #highschoolsenior #metlakatla #alaska #education