Our Miss Chiefs played hard but unfortunately had a tough loss against Chevak. They will be back playing at 12:30 pm, Friday, March 14th. Wayi Wah! The games will be streamed on NFHS: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/associations/asaa Follow the brackets here: ASAA365.com #metlakatlahighschool #metlakatla #metlakatlachiefs #metlakatlamisschiefs #wayiwah
about 10 hours ago, Metlakatla High School
graphic with text, basketball
The Chiefs won their first game at the state tournament against Chevak! They will play again tomorrow (Friday, March 14th) at 7:45 pm. The Miss Chiefs will play against Chevak TODAY (Thursday, 3/13) at 11:00 am! Wayi Wah, Chiefs & Miss Chiefs! #metlakatlahighschool #metlakatlachiefs #metlakatlamisschiefs #wayiwah #metlakatlabasketball #asaa #alaska
about 15 hours ago, Metlakatla High School
graphic with basketball
Our Chiefs & Miss Chiefs play their fort game at the ASAA State Championship Tournament starting tomorrow, Thursday, March 13th! The Chiefs play at 8:00 am, and the Miss Chiefs play at 11:00 am. The games will be streamed on NFHS: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/associations/asaa Follow the brackets here: ASAA365.com Wayi Wah, Chiefs & Miss Chiefs! #metlakatlahighschool #metlakatla #metlakatlachiefs #metlakatlamisschiefs #wayiwah
1 day ago, Annette Island School District
bracket for boys basketball
bracket for girls basketball
Our Chiefs & Miss Chiefs basketball teams head to Anchorage for the state basketball tournament today, Tuesday, March 11th! Join us at 1:30 at MHS to help send them off. Wayi Wah, Chiefs & Miss Chiefs! #metlakatlahighschool #metlakatla #metlakatlachiefs #metlakatlamisschiefs #wayiwah
3 days ago, Metlakatla High School
graphic with text, basketball
Wayi Wah, Chiefs & Miss Chiefs! #metlakatlahighschool #metlakatla #metlakatlachiefs #metlakatlamisschiefs #wayiwah
4 days ago, Annette Island School District
graphic with bracket
graphic text
It's Spring Break! We hope everyone has a wonderful and restful week off! Please note: our offices will be closed March 10th-14th, and will re-open on March 17th. #metlakatla #aisd #aisdproud #alaska #springbreak #schoolschedule #wayiwah
5 days ago, Annette Island School District
graphic with text, flowers, aisd logo of man in regalia
The Metlakatla Chiefs and Miss Chiefs are heading to STATE! Region V 2A CHAMPS! Wayi Wah, Miss Chiefs & Chiefs! #metlakatlahighschool #metlakatlachiefs #metlakatlamisschiefs #wayiwah #metlakatla
6 days ago, Annette Island School District
graphic with text and basketball
The 52 adults that were trained in Youth Mental Health First Aid last spring will receive a shirt with the beautiful Watchmen logo! If you participated in the training last spring, and have not received your shirt, please fill out the form so we can order your shirt: https://forms.gle/1eNT71fUVF2dnrvV7 Please note: this form will be open until Friday, April 11th. Thank you to all of these adults for going above and beyond for your community and completing the training. #thewatchmenofmetlakatla #thewatchmen #metlakatla #alaska #youthmentalhealthfirstaid #mentalhealth
6 days ago, Annette Island School District
graphic with cedar, t-shirts, watchmen logo, text
Today is National Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day! Thank you for keeping our buildings and grounds a safe place to come to school and work every day. We greatly appreciate everything you do! #aisd #aisdproud #metlakatla #maintenanceappreciation #employeeappreciation #maintenanceworker #wayiwah
7 days ago, Annette Island School District
graphic with text, tools, aisd logo
As a community, we know Metlakatla is preparing to celebrate our Senior Class of 2025! 🎓 Below is a list of our seniors expected to participate in the MHS Graduation Ceremony on May 24th: Sitka A. Micah B. Tori B. Brody B. Kendall B. Kohyn B. Yodean B. Aurora C. Lexi C. Aarilyn C. Frank G. William H. Maleah H. Tricia L. Carter M. Lacey M. Shannon M. Jyllian M. Kalleigh M. Dylan N. Justin O. Troy R. Gabrielle S. Norma S. M. Kaylen W. Congratulations to our Class of 2025, we are incredibly proud of you all! #metlakatlahighschool #metlakatla #metlakatlaclassof2025 #classof2025 #alaska #wayiwah #aisd #aisdproud
7 days ago, Metlakatla High School
graphic with text, list of class of 2025 seniors
The Chiefs & Miss Chiefs BOTH advance to the Region V Championship Games! -Miss Chiefs play Friday 3/7 at 2:30 PM -Chiefs play Friday 3/7 at 4:15 pm The MHS Pep Band will be playing with the combined pep band during the championship games! WAYI WAH! Stream the Region V Tournament at this link: https://k21schools.eduvision.tv/Default?LiveEvents #metlakatlahighschool #metlakatla #alaska #wayiwah #metlakatlachiefs #metlakatlamisschiefs #metlakatlabasketball #metlakatlacheer #metlakatlamusic #metlakatlapepclub #aisd #aisdproud
7 days ago, Metlakatla High School
graphic with text, basketball, mhs logo of man in regalia
AISD Families: If you haven't already, please take a few minutes to complete the School Climate and Connectedness Survey for the 2024-2025 school year! We invite all AISD families to take part in this important survey. AISD works continually to improve our school environment. The results of this anonymous survey will help continue our efforts toward a safe, supportive, and caring place for all students. Here are the links to get started: Richard Johnson Elementary: http://bit.ly/rjesclimatesurvey25 Charles R. Leask Sr. Middle School: https://bit.ly/clmsclimatesurvey25 Metlakatla High School: https://bit.ly/mhsclimatesurvey25 Here is how it works: -One parent/guardian per family is asked to complete the survey between now and March 21st. -If you have more than one student in one school, you only need to take the survey once. -If you have students in more than one school, you are welcome to take a survey for each school. *Once you have completed the survey, please email Leslie at ljohnson@aisdk12.org with your name, phone number, and which building(s) you completed the survey for in order to be entered into the drawing for a $100 A.C. Gift Card!* Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey!
7 days ago, Annette Island School District
graphic with text, survey information, school supplies
CLMS Families: AISD is excited to announce we will be offering Hunter Education to 7th & 8th grade students during 4th quarter (during 6th period)! -7th grade students who are in health will have an opportunity to do Hunter Ed. next year. -Older students who are interested in participating can sign up for an online self-study course and join us for the field day. If your student is interested, please contact Chelsea Martinez (cmartinez@aisdk12.org) to sign up.
7 days ago, Charles R. Leask Sr. Middle School
graphic with text, mountains, hunter education sign up
Wayi Wah, Chiefs &. Miss Chiefs! Stream the Region V Tournament at this link: https://k21schools.eduvision.tv/Default?LiveEvents #metlakatlahighschool #metlakatla #alaska #wayiwah #metlakatlachiefs #metlakatlamisschiefs #metlakatlabasketball #metlakatlacheer #metlakatlamusic #metlakatlapepclub
8 days ago, Metlakatla High School
graphic with text, basketball, MHS logo
Our Drama, Debate & Forensics (DDF) team traveled to the State competition in Anchorage this past weekend to compete against over 200 students from teams all around Alaska. Our team had a very strong showing this weekend - check out these results! Jourdan A - 12th Place in Readers Theater Elizabeth A - 7th Place in Informative Speaking, 10th Place in Duet Acting, 11th Place in Improvised Duet Acting Isaac G - 12th Place in Readers Theater, 15th Place in Extemporaneous Commentary Lacey M - 8th Place in Reader Theater, 11th Place in Duet Acting, 11th Place in Humorous Interpretation Kalleigh M - 8th Place in Informative Speaking, 11th Place in Original Oratory Matthew M - 8th Place in Extemporaneous Commentary, 11th Place in Informative Speaking, 12th Place in Readers Theater Gabrielle S - 7th Place in Original Oratory, 8th Place in Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking, 8th Place in Readers Theater Reese T - 8th Place in Readers Theater, 10th Place in Duet Acting, 11th Place in Improvised Duet Acting Evyn V - 8th Place in Readers Theater, 10th Place in Dramatic Interpretation, 11th Place in Duet Acting Thank you to all of our student competitors, parents, teachers, administrators, and community members that made this such a wonderful DDF season. Keep an eye out for a showcase of some of these student performances in April & May! #metlakatlahighschool #metlakatlaDDF #dramadebateforensics #wayiwah #metlakatla #alaska
9 days ago, Metlakatla High School
students acting in classroom
students acting in classroom
students acting in classroom
students performing speech in classroom
students placing cards on table in classroom
student giving speech  in classroom
students acting in classroom
Check out our CLMS Musicians! On Friday, a group went to Ketchikan for Middle School Music Day. On Friday evening, the group performed a concert with all of the students who attended! You can watch the recording of the concert here: https://www.youtube.com/live/QTCp81d2LsI Luk'wil aam dzapsm! #charlesleaskmiddleschool #clms #musiceducation #clmsmusic #wayiwah #metlakatla #alaska #aisdproud
9 days ago, Charles R. Leask Sr. Middle School
students holding instruments against curtain
students in large auditorium
Help send our basketball teams, cheer team, pep band, and pep club off to regionals, TODAY (3/4) at 1:30 pm in the MHS Commons! Wayi Wah! #metlakatlahighschool #metlakatla #alaska #wayiwah #metlakatlachiefs #metlakatlamisschiefs #metlakatlabasketball
9 days ago, Metlakatla High School
graphic with text
AISD FAMILIES: *CORRECTION* This Thursday, March 6th, will be a DISTRICT- WIDE EARLY RELEASE at 1:30 pm. School for CLMS/MHS starts at 8:05 am. Thank you!
10 days ago, Annette Island School District
graphic with text
Our teams, cheer squad, pep band, and pep club are all heading to the Region V Basketball Tournament! The Miss Chiefs play their first game on Thursday at 11:00 am, and the Chiefs play Thursday at 12:45 pm. Wayi Wah! #metlakatlahighschool #metlakatla #metlakatlachiefs #metlakatlamisschiefs #wayiwah #alaska #metlakatlabasketball
10 days ago, Annette Island School District
bracket with team names and Alaska Airlines logo
bracket with team names and Alaska Airlines logo
Our CLMS Musicians are in Ketchikan for Middle School Music Day! They will be performing a concert tonight at 7:30 with all of the students in the festival, tune in at 7:30 to watch! https://www.youtube.com/live/QTCp81d2LsI Break a leg, CLMS! #charlesleaskmiddleschool #clmsmusic #metlakatla #alaska #aisd #aisdproud #wayiwah
13 days ago, Charles R. Leask Sr. Middle School
graphic with text, music notes