Congratulations to all of our talented Kindergarten & 1st Grade Students on their performance last night! We had a packed house- thank to everyone for coming to support our students! See more pictures here: If you weren't able to make the performance, you can watch the live-streamed recording here: #rjes #richardjohnsonelementary #music #musiceducation #concert #students #metlakatla #alaska #aisd #aisdproud
almost 3 years ago, Richard Johnson Elementary School
students bowing after performance
student in front of microphone
students singing on risers
students singing and marching on risers
Happy Administrative Professionals Day! To all of our incredible team of administrative pros, THANK YOU for all that you do for Annette Island School District and our community. Tag an AISD Administrative Pro in the comments below and let's show our appreciation! #aisd #aisdproud #administrativeprofessionalsday #admin #appreciation #metlakatla #alaska #staff
almost 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
graphic with AISD logo of a man in regalia with "Happy Admin Professionals day" thank you to our staff for all you do!
RJES Concerts Update! Our concert TOMORROW 4/28 will feature both our 1st Grade & Kindergarten Students. Our concert on Tuesday 5/3 will feature our 2nd Grade & Pre-K Students. If you aren't able to attend in person, the events will also be live streamed. See you there! #rjes #richardjohnsonelementary #concert #education #musiceducation #metlakatla #alaska
almost 3 years ago, Richard Johnson Elementary School
graphic with concert information- details in post
graphic with concert information- details in post
Happy Birthday, Mrs. Henry! Today, Mrs. Henry's and Mr. Stemp's third grade classes celebrated Mrs. Henry's birthday by holding a birthday cake bake-off! Students and staff brought 9 different desserts for the classes to try. Thank you to the students (and families!) who baked all of the delicious cakes! Click the link below to read more and see all the pictures! #rjes #richardjohnsonelementary #birthday #cake #bakeoff #elementary #students #metlkatla #alaska
almost 3 years ago, Richard Johnson Elementary School
Mrs. Henry posing behind a table with the desserts made by students and staff
a student standing by cupcakes she made
a student standing by cupcakes he made
a student posing dramatically by the cake he made
Attention AISD Community! THIS Friday at 6:00 pm, we will be hosting a Meet & Greet to meet the RJES Principal Candidate, Sandra Perez! We invite you to join us at 6:00pm Friday 4/29 at the Elementary Gym. Pizza and beverages will be provided. We hope to see you there! #rjes #richardjohnsonelementary #aisd #aisdproud #meetandgreet #metlakatla #alaska
almost 3 years ago, Richard Johnson Elementary School
RJES Meet & Greet Graphic for RJES Principal Candidate.  Details in post.
Senior Highlight: Lainey Faber! #mhs #metlakatlahighschool #student #classof2022 #highschoolsenior #collegebound #metlakatla #alaska #education
almost 3 years ago, Metlakatla High School
Graphic with pictures of the beach and a student.  "My favorite part of Highschool has been field trips, hands on activities, sport trips, especially this last volleyball season.  If I could do High school over again, I would have taken the first 2 years of sports seriously and got better grades.  My plans for next year are to attend Haskell Indian Nations University in Lawrence, Kansas.  I would like to thank my parents, grandparents, aunty Sondra & Uncle Joe, and Mrs. Clementi.
Attached is the YouTube link for tonights BOE meeting, 7:00 p.m. in the HS Commons. Please share, thank you! #aisd #boardofeducation #boe #aisd #rjes #crlms #mhs
almost 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
Senior Highlight: Alicia Feak-Lent! #mhs #metlakatlahighschool #student #classof2022 #highschoolsenior #collegebound #metlakatla #alaska #education
almost 3 years ago, Metlakatla High School
Senior Highlight Alicia Feak-Lent.  My favorite part of highschool has been the native art program.  If I could do highschool over I would have started playing volleyball earlier.  I would like to thank my mom and sister Victoria, Shane, and Deb.  My plans for next year are that I'm considering attending University of Portland or University of Alaska SE Juneau.
Check this out! This week, Ian Hudson's Marine Biology students, along with John Hudson's Native Arts Class, headed back to Hemlock Bay to check on the Kelp Farm! They took measurements, temperature readings, and more via kayak. Click the link below to see more photos! #mhs #metlakatlahighschool #aisd #aisdproud #marinebiology #kelpfarm #students #kayak #kayaking #metlakatla #alaska #education #kelp
almost 3 years ago, Metlakatla High School
students on kayaks looking at kelp
students kayaking in the ocean
student and teacher checking water on kayaks
students and teacher kayaking
Congratulations Sarai Buffalo! Sarai was nominated by staff for Student of Quarter 3! For Quarter 3, Sarai earned Straight A's, had perfect attendance, and her quality of work is above what is required. We also recognize the utmost respect she gives to her peers and our staff. Way to go, Sarai! #mhs #metlakatlahighschool #student #education #metlakatla #alaska #studentsuccess
almost 3 years ago, Metlakatla High School
student holding up certificate
student giving teacher a hug
Happy Earth Day 2022! Did you spot our students around town today? Our awesome students and staff from all three schools walked around town picking up garbage in celebration of Earth Day! Thank you to our hardworking students and staff for helping keep our town beautiful! Click the link to see lots of photos! #aisd #aisdproud #earthday #earthday2022 #metlakatla #alaska #education #students
almost 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
graphic with happy earth day, aisd logo of a man in regal
students smiling holding garbage bags
students walking with garbage bags
students with garbage bags
Check this out! Today Naomi's Ts'msyen Studies classes visited the Cedar Park area to learn about and gather p'atsaah (a type of algae)! Click the link to see more photos! #mhs #metlakatlahighschool #aisd #aisdproud #tsimshian #metlakatla #alaska #education #students
almost 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
students and teacher at the beach gathering algae
students looking at tide pools at the beach
picking algae at the beach
teacher talking to students
Yet another awesome summer opportunity for MHS Students! This one is through Sealaska Heritage Institute (SHI): -Latseen Northwest Coast Arts Academy -Opening The Box: HS STEAM Academy The Haa Latseen Initiative (HLI) grant has funding specifically for these two academies for our partner districts, like AISD, giving AISD students priority. The application period is open! The NWC Arts Academy deadline is May 13 and the HS STEAM Academy deadline is May 27. Read more and apply at the link here: #mhs #metlakatlahighschool #steam #summerprogram #sealaskaheritageinstitute #metlakatla #alaska #students
almost 3 years ago, Metlakatla High School
graphic that looks like a cork board with SHI summer program information.  Details and link in the post.
Another awesome Summer Opportunity for MHS Students! Native Youth Exploring Higher Education (NY’EHE) is a week-long summer camp held on the Washington State University’s Pullman campus. Native American high school students will have a chance to explore and find purpose in higher education, and students will learn about professional careers including those that are needed most in Tribal communities. Learn more here: #mhs #metlakatlahighschool #summer #wsu #washingtonstateuniversity #metlakatla #alaska
almost 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
Flyer with NY'EHE 2022 Summer Program for Native Youth at WSU Pullman Campus.  Click on link for more information.
Attention AISD Families! This Friday (4/22) Early Release will now be a FULL DAY of school. Early Release will now take place on Friday May 13th. Thank you! #aisd #aisdproud #rjes #clms #mhs #earlyrelease #students #education #metlakatla #alaska
almost 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
Attention AISD Families graphic with megaphones and AISD logo.  Text is in post.
Attention AISD Community! Tomorrow night (Wednesday April 20th) is the next Strategic Plan meeting. We're looking for members of the community to come be a part of this great team! Come down to the MHS Commons and join an action team to help take Annette Island School District to the next level. Pizza, salad, and beverages provided. See you there! #aisd #aisdproud #strategicplan #metlakatla #alaska #education
almost 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
Graphic with Strategic plan meeting information with images of AISD Logo, hands touching, a clock, and a school.  Details in post.
Attention AISD Community: Tomorrow (Wednesday April 20th) there is a Moderna Vaccine & Booster Clinic at AISU! Call to make an appointment: 907-886-4741 #aisd #covid #vaccine #metlakatla #education #alaska
almost 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
graphic of a doctor giving a vaccine with information about a covid vaccine clinic.  Details in post.
Attention 8th-11th Graders! Check out this awesome Summer opportunity through ANSEP (Alaska Native Science & Engineering Program)! Applications are open right now- click the link to learn more! #aisd #aisdproud #mhs #metlakatlahighschool #clms #ansep #alaska #metlakatla
almost 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
graphic with ANSEP Acceleration Academy (Summer) Program information.  Details in post.
This week, Mrs. Hudson's Kindergarten class visited the Hudson's Hen House! They recently completed their Farm unit in Wit & Wisdom (the reading curriculum used by the Richard Johnson Elementary School), and the weather finally was nice enough for the students to walk down to the Hudson home. Click the link below to read more and see all the great pictures! #rjes #richardjohnsonelementary #aisd #aisdproud #kindergarten #witandwisdom #chickens #metlakatla #alaska
almost 3 years ago, Richard Johnson Elementary School
students stand in front of a chicken coop
students looking inside the chicken coop
a student feeding a chicken
Mark your calendars! The CLMS & MHS bands and MHS choir will be performing a Spring Concert May 4th at 5:30 at the AISD Outdoor Court! -Families and Community: Please bring your own chair- they will not be provided. -Students: Please arrive by 5 with your instrument and music. We welcome you to join and show your support for our amazing music program. See you there! #mhs #metlakatlahighschool #clms #aisd #aisdproud #metlakatla #alaska #musiceducation #springconcert
almost 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
poster of spring concert for CLMS & MHS. info in text