Attention AISD Families: School starts TOMORROW! Who's excited to be back in class?! #aisd #aisdproud #school #education #alaska #metlakatla #wayiwah
over 2 years ago, Annette Island School District
school starts tomorrow august 30th AISD graphic with chalkboard and school supplies
This morning our all staff in-service session will cover Emergency Response Training. If you are interested in watching the livestream, please click the link below! #aisd #aisdproud #education #metlakatla #alaska #school #safety
over 2 years ago, Annette Island School District
Attention AISD Community: Here is the 22-23 School Bus Schedule for AISD! You can also view the schedule on the AISD Website at this link: #aisd #aisdproud #alaska #education #metlakatla #schoolbus
over 2 years ago, Annette Island School District
22-23 bus schedule.  click link to access pdf:
Attention Metlakatla Community: You're invited to an open community meeting TONIGHT from 5-7pm at the Long House focused on sustainability on Annette Island! We'll explore a network approach to collaboration to see how we can support multiple efforts across the island. We hope to see you there! #aisd #aisdproud #metlakatla #education #community #collaboration #alaska
over 2 years ago, Annette Island School District
graphic of aisd logo of man in regalia with invite to community meeting tonight 5-7 at the longhouse, focused on sustainability on Annette Island
Attention AISD Community: Our School Board Meeting Highlights from this summer's board meetings are now available to read on the AISD Website! Click the link below to view them: #aisd #aisdproud #schoolboard #meeting #education # metlakatla #alaska
over 2 years ago, Annette Island School District
Attention Richard Johnson Elementary Families: We're excited to welcome you back to school with an Open House on Monday August 29th from 2:30-3:45 pm! Come meet the teacher and get ready for an awesome year at RJES- see you there! #aisd #rjes #aisdproud #richardjohnsonelementary #backtoschool #metlakatla #alaska #education
over 2 years ago, Annette Island School District
Graphic with school supplies "Richard Johnson elementary open house! Monday August 29th 2:30-3:45pm."
Good Morning! Our AISD Inservice Opening Session will begin shortly! Please click the link below to watch the livestream: #aisd #aisdproud #metlakatla #education #inservice #alaska #teachers
over 2 years ago, Annette Island School District
It's almost time: AISD schools start Tuesday, August 30th! As a reminder, please make sure your student has been registered by August 26th: For RETURNING students: please fill out the registration form through your PowerSchool login on the app or through this link: For NEW students: Please remember to register online with the above link, AND upload or turn in the required documents: -New student physical -Updated immunizations -Birth certificate Please contact Brittany Hayward with any questions:, 907-886-6332 #aisd #metlakatla #alaska #backtoschool #education #students
over 2 years ago, Annette Island School District
graphic of chalkboard with backpack and books, "School Starts Tuesday August 30th" AISD logo of a man in regalia
Attention CLMS Families! The CLMS Orientation is scheduled for Monday August 29th at the Metlakatla High School Commons! 5:00 pm: 6th Grade 6:00 pm: 7th Grade 7:00 pm: 8th grade We can't wait to see you there! #clms #aisd #aisdproud #middleschool #backtoschool #alaska #education #metlakatla
over 2 years ago, Annette Island School District
CLMS Orientation 22-23. Monday August 29th @ MHS Cmmons. 5pm: 6th Grade, 6pm: 7th Grade, 7pm: 8th grade
Attention AISD Families: The MHS Centennial Library will be closed from August 18th - 20th, and will reopen August 23 at 5:00PM. Thank you! #metlakatla #library #aisd #aisdproud #alaska #education #reading
over 2 years ago, Annette Island School District
The MHS Centennial Library will be closed from August 18th - 20th, and will reopen  August 23 at 5:00PM!
Attention MHS Students & Families: Metlakatla High School Orientation is coming up next week! Register for classes and complete paperwork during your grade's time slot: Thursday August 25th: 5:00pm- 12th Grade Thursday August 25th: 6:00pm- 11th Grade Friday August 26th: 5:00 pm- 10th Grade Friday August 26th: 6:00 pm- 9th Grade *If you can't attend, please let Mrs. Martinez know ( or 509-855-2958).
over 2 years ago, Annette Island School District
MHS Orientation. Thursday 8/25: 5 pm 12th grade, 6pm 11th grade. August 26th: 5pm 10th grade, 6pm 9th grade. Register for classes and complete all paperwork!  Let Mrs. Martinez know if you can't make it.
Are you a homeschool, co-op or part-time student at MHS? We want to better serve you as part of the Metlakatla High School family! Come meet with us Fridau August 19th 2-3pm at MHS! #mhs #metlakatla #alaska #education #school #highschool
over 2 years ago, Annette Island School District
Welcome back to school!  Are you a homeschool, Co-op or part-time student at MHS? We want to better serve you as part of the MHS family!  Come meet with us August 19th Friday 2-3pm at MHS!
Attention Richard Johnson ES Summer School Families: Upper elementary (3rd-5th grade) will be going to Yellow Hill tomorrow (6/23). Please have your child wear proper footwear (no crocs or sandals), and bring a bag/backpack and a water bottle. Lunch will be provided. The bus will leave at 9:30. Please contact the office with questions and they will direct you to Mr. Stemp. Thank you! #rjes #summerschool #summer #aisd #aisdproud #metlakatla #education #alaska
over 2 years ago, Richard Johnson Elementary School
Attention Richard Johnson ES Summer School Families: Upper elementary (3rd-5th grade) will be going to Yellow Hill tomorrow (6/23). Please have your child wear proper footwear (no crocs or sandals), and bring a bag/backpack and a water bottle. Lunch will be provided. The bus will leave at 9:30. Please contact the office with questions and they will direct you to Mr. Stemp. Thank you!
Friendly reminder: The access road between the district office and the middle school/outdoor court is inaccessible during school hours (8:00-3:30) except for AISD staff. This includes both cars and four-wheelers. Thank you for helping keep our district campus a safe place for both students and staff! #aisd #aisdproud #metlakatla #education #summerschool
over 2 years ago, Annette Island School District
The access road between the district office and the middle school/outdoor court is inaccessible during school hours (8:00-3:30) except for AISD staff.  This includes both cars and four-wheelers.  Thank you for helping keep our district campus a safe place for both students and staff!
Our School-to-Work crew is hard at work building and maintaining the trail out to Scout Lake! Great job, everyone! 💪👏 #aisd #AISDProud #summer #summerjob #metlakatla #alaska #work #job
over 2 years ago, Annette Island School District
students walking and working on trail
student carrying buckets and walking on trail
students holding up buckets working
students working on beach
Another day at Summer School for Richard Johnson Elementary! Our Kindergarten class was trying on different career uniforms, our 1st graders were enjoying recess outside, and our 3rd-5th graders are working on science projects by KiwiCo & Tinker Crate! #rjes #richardjohnsonelementary #aisd #AISDProud #metlakatla #alaska #education #school #kiwico #scienceproject
over 2 years ago, Richard Johnson Elementary School
student holding up science project
students playing on playground
students looking at science project instructions
student working on science project
Summer Zoom opportunity for students grades 6th-12th! Register with the following link: #aisd #aisdproud #education #summer #summerschool #alaska #metlakatla
over 2 years ago, Annette Island School District
Graphic with photos of students.  20 Saige Celebrating  20 Years of Respect, Culture, and Education.  Society of American Indian Government Employees.  National Training Program. Youth Track June 21-22 2022 on Zoom
Summer School is in full swing! Today our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders worked on a project to learn about money and counting change. Thanks to Mr. Stemp, Mr. Schoolland, and Ms. Kristen for taking our students outside to work on this fun project and enjoy the sunshine! #rjes #richardjohnsonelementary #aisd #aisdproud #metlakatla #alaska #education #summerschool #summer
over 2 years ago, Richard Johnson Elementary School
students sitting on ground working with teacher
students working on a project outside
students looking at camera working on project outside, sitting on ground
students looking at project at ground while working outside
We're opening the logo contest again for Charles R. Leask Sr. Middle School! Here are the guidelines: -All artwork must be original. Artwork must not be copied or traced. -Artists name and contact information. All entries must include contact information. -Submit your artwork to the district office or email it to We're looking for: Originality: The logo should represent our school and the community we serve. Visual impact: The logo needs to reflect more than sports. This logo will be used on all school correspondence and branding. The winning entry will be chosen by a committee of stakeholders that will be assembled to choose the winning entry, and the winner will receive $1,000! #clms #middleschool #aisd #aisdproud #metlakatla #education #alaska #art #contest
over 2 years ago, Charles R. Leask Sr. Middle School
Design the new Charles Leak Sr. MS Logo!  Winner received 1,000 dollars.  Details in post.
Congratulations to Metlakatla High School's Principal's List and Honor Roll Students! Principal’s List: Ryley Booth Bree Chavez Lexi Cook Alicia Feak-Lent Mercedes Leask Amelia Miller Mason Nelson Gabrielle Seward James Williams James Lee Williams Nathan Williams Sarai Buffalo Scarlett Eaton Mykeah White Micheal Bethel Pyper Booth Cameron Gaube Trinity Jackson Randi Schleusner Micah Bergtold Alexia Eagle Speaker Chloe Guthrie Honor Roll: Jasper Booth Dylan Hudson Tricia Lindsey Shayne Anderson Jackson Benson Harvey Galles-Booth Athena Jordan Noah Leask Solomon Martinez Aidan Christiansen-Wilson Zakary Janes Dylan Nelson Ava Peratrovich Giovanni Arroyo Kohyn Broncheau Jayden Buhler Kennedy Cook Lainey Faber Ashton McKeehan Kalleigh Miller Canren Roelfs Jake Russell Justin Sanford #metlakatlahighschool #mhs #honorroll #principalslist #metlakatla #academics #education #alaska
over 2 years ago, Annette Island School District
graphic with congratulations principal's list and honor roll students with gold stars