Its half time at the Metlakatla High school! The current score is: Wrangell Wolves 26 Chiefs 24 You can still stream the games online if you can’t make it to the gym. Next the Miss Chiefs will play the Lady Wolves. Also yearbook is also doing a 50/50!!
about 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
Our Richard Johnson Elementary students are hard at work designing, drawing, sanding, tracing, and painting on their handmade drums! #rjes #richardjohnsonelementary #aisd #aisdproud #metlakatla #alaska #education #tsimshiannation #drummaking #tsimshian
about 3 years ago, Richard Johnson Elementary School
Mr. Bolton teaching student how to trace his design onto the handmade drum
three female students examining each others drums while sanding them
a female student designing her drum artwork with a traditional Tsimshian-style hummingbird
a group of students working on their drums
Do you know a former foster youth or youth experiencing homelessness between the ages of 18 and 25 who is currently working and living independently? This year there has been an expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) as part of the American Rescue Plan Act which effects former homeless and foster youth. Youth who were in foster care between the ages of 14-17 or who were a McKinney-Vento homeless youth may now qualify for the EITC. The 18-25 year old must be currently eligible to file taxes and cannot be claimed as a dependent by any other person. Additionally, they can be a full-time student which is a significant change from past years. Please be aware, as of right now this will only apply to taxes filed for the 2021 tax year. Qualifying youth need to check box 27 on their 1040 tax form. For more information please view the EITC document on our family resources page or contact Joe Henry at (907) 886-6000 ext. 2276.
about 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
**AISD FAMILIES & MIC COMMUNITY** We are one step closer to ending the dropped calls problem! The new phone system is starting to arrive and will be installed soon. We will update you as the project develops further. Thank you for your understanding & patience!!
about 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
Congratulations to the recipients of the Charles R. Leask Sr. Middle School Students of the Month! Wayi Wah! Ashlynn Leask Porter Hudson Daycee King #clms #aisd #aisdproud #metlakatla #education #academicacheivements #alaska #students
about 3 years ago, Charles R. Leask Sr. Middle School
Porter Hudson CLMS Student of the Month
Daycee King Student of the Month
Ashlynn Leask- CLMS Student of the Month
Congratulations again to our MHS Students on their 1st Semester Academic Achievements! Click the link to read the latest News Post on our website and to see more photos: #aisd #mhs #gochiefs #aisdproud #metlakatlahighschool #metlakatla #alaska #education #academicacheivements #tsimshiannation
about 3 years ago, Metlakatla High School
MHS Students holding awards for academic excellence
Mrs. Schoolland and Amelia Miller, Student of the Quarter, posing
MHS Students holding awards for academic excellence
MHS Students holding awards for academic excellence
Congratulations to our hardworking elementary school students on their academic achievements! See more photos and read more about our incredible students on the latest News Post on our website: #aisd #rjes #elementaryschool #school #education #metlakatla #alaska #academics
about 3 years ago, Richard Johnson Elementary School
Richard Johnson elementary students wearing medals honoring their academic achievements
In Mr. Gamaas Bolton's culture class, the students are learning how to create a design that will be eventually be transferred to their drums! Today they practiced drawing something that makes them feel good, something they enjoy doing, and something that represents Na Gatlleedm: strength of mind, strength of body, and strength of spirit. #aisd #aisdproud #tsimshian #nativealaskan #metlakatla #tsimshiannation #alaska #education #drum
about 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
Gamaas Bolton showing students in a classroom how to draw designs for their drums
students and Mr. Gamaas Bolton stretching during their culture lesson
a student thinking about what to draw  in a drum designing exercise
drums created by students out of elk hide and a wooden frame
A very huge thank you to the AISD COVID Team, we've received many appreciative phone calls and text messages in regards to how helpful and grateful the AISD families in quarantine have been with meal/homework delivery. As well as a very huge thank you to all the AISD staff that help put it all together!! Thank you everyone for all your hard work! #thankyou #waytogo #rjes #staysafe #clms #mhs #aisdproud #bigblue #mealdelivery #greatstaff #bettertogether
about 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
Thank you COVID Team
AISD Families, Our attendance system is an automated system and will send out an alert as soon as teachers take attendance. We ask that you please be very patient with the building secretaries as they go through and update attendance as phone calls come in and as teachers are taking attendance. Some days this can be a very tedious process. We understand your frustrations and thank you so much for being patient with the secretaries as they go through and update attendance. #attendance #rjes #clms #mhs #aisd #secretaries #thankyou
about 3 years ago, Brittany Hayward
The 2021 W-2 forms are ready for pick up at the business office. Please let us know if you're not able to pick them up by January 26th @ Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
My apologies on the live streaming post KAYHI streaming, at this time they are only able to live stream the last two games, if they are able to stream or games we will upload and update! Please share, thank you!
about 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
Here is the YouTube link to watch the RJES and an updated flyer! Please share!
about 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
Updated flyer
RJES Awards Times
MIC & AISD Families, Jostens Campus Photography has informed us that picture re-takes were mailed out December 10th, they followed up with the shipping company and in turn will be re-sending picture re-takes ASAP. Any further please contact Jostens directly at: or 907-789-7486 Thank you! Please share!! #aisd #pictures #aisdfamilies #mhs #clms #rjes
about 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
At the Kayhi Jamboree the Miss Chiefs schedule will be the following: Friday, Jan. 21st 3:00 Metlakatla vs Klawock Saturday, Jan. 22nd 12:30 Metlakatla vs Ketchikan 4:00 Metlakatla vs MEHS Kayhi is currently limiting 300 spectators in the gym at a time. Tickets will only be sold online at the link below:
about 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
Below are the semester two spectator protocols. Please note that on the last bullet it states that we cannot have spectators while our community is at level two following MIC's guidelines. This does mean that if the community is at level two during our Wrangell games on Jan. 28th and 29th, we will not allow spectators during these games but they will be steaming online! Here is the link to steam the Wrangell Games: Semester 2 Spectator Protocol The Annette Island School District is working hard to give the students the ability to participate in school activities in the safest manner possible. Having family and friends there to cheer on the students has always been important to the school and community. To continue school activities and allow spectators in the high school gym, we will need everyone to follow certain guidelines. These guidelines are subject to change depending on the number of Covid-19 cases within the community and following MIC’s guidelines. Regardless of vaccination status, masks are required for all spectators covering their nose and mouth at all times. Temperature checks will be done prior to entry. Anyone with a fever may not enter the school building. Anyone who is on the current quarantine list may not enter the school building. In order to help maintain social distancing, spectators are expected to remain socially distanced from other groups while on the bleachers. Members of the same household may sit together. If you are sick with any symptoms DO NOT attend, everything will be online so you will not miss out. Food will not be permitted during events. Concession stand will be closed until further notice. To minimize the areas needed for sanitation, spectators need to stay in the gym. The Commons Area will be restricted but the restrooms will be open. Hand sanitizer will be provided at the entrance of the gym. Spectators are strongly encouraged to sanitize their hands as they enter the gym. There will be no spectators allowed for events when the community is at LEVEL TWO following MIC’s guidelines.
about 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
Semester 2 Spectator Protocols
Come check out Brielle's Closet! Open by appointment. Call 886-6000. Great new items! #aisd #mhs #aisdproud #education #metlakatla
about 3 years ago, Metlakatla High School
Graphic for Brielle's closet showing different clothes.
Here is the latest basketball schedule with updates. Both our Chiefs and Miss Chiefs will be going to Kodiak still! Also the Craig Panthers and Lady Panthers will still be coming to Metlakatla. Reminder that this weekend our Miss Chiefs will be attending the Kayhi Jamboree and next weekend we will have both Wrangell teams on our home court! Next we will be posting the updated spectator protocols, please keep an eye out for that.
about 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
Updated Basketball Schedule
Attached is the MHS Class of 2023 Sees Candy Fundraiser, closing date Jan. 28th all orders will be shipped directly to purchaser. Thank you! #mhs #juniorclass #fundraiser #aisd #aisdproud
about 3 years ago, Annette Island School District
Attention MHS Families: Today, 1/17, MHS was notified of a positive COVID case within the building. In an abundance of caution, students considered in close contact with the positive case were sent home for the day. MHS will be in contact with each family for student's testing recommendations and return to class date based on AISD's COVID Mitigation Plan. #aisd #mhs #aisdproud #metlakatla #education
about 3 years ago, Metlakatla High School
Attention MHS Families: Regarding covid close contact