The first of our brand new instruments have arrived from the Sweetwater Giveaway AISD won in the Spring! There are more to come! 🎺
#NewGearDay #aisd #aisdproud #metlakatla #alaska #musiceducation #music #education
Don’t forget!
Tomorrow 11/3: Early Release at 1:30
Friday 11/4: NO School
We can’t wait to see you at Parent-Teacher Conferences!
#aisd #aisdproud #ptconferences #metlakatla #alaska #education
Annette Island School District would like to invite the Metlakatla Community to join us a for a district and community-wide assembly in honor of Veterans Day on Friday November 11th. Please join us at Metlakatla High School at 10:00 am.
If you are a veteran, we invite you to join us at 9:30 am on the 11th for coffee and doughnuts prior to the assembly in the MHS Commons!
*We will also be live-streaming the event if you are unable to attend in-person.
#veteransday #aisd #aisdproud #metlakatla #education #alaska #military #veterans #assembly #community
Attention AISD Community:
Annette Island School District cordially invites the community to join us for a district and community-wide assembly honoring veterans on Veterans Day. The assembly will be held on Friday November 11th at 10:00 am at Metlakatla High School.
Veterans are invited to arrive at 9:30 am for Coffee and Doughnuts.
#aisd #aisdproud #veteransday #metlakatla #alaska #veterans #community
Congratulations to our November Growing Leaders of the Month, nominated by staff!
This month Social And Emotional Lessons were focused on personal values. This was through the lesson "A Compass or a GPS."
A GPS is only helpful if you are on paved roads. If you are entering new areas, you need a compass that shows you true north. Similarly, we need values that provide direction when we enter new territory.
The ability to accurately recognize one’s emotions and thoughts and their influence on behavior. This includes accurately assessing one’s strengths and limitations and possessing a well-grounded sense of confidence and optimism.
Here's what staff had to say about our Growing Leaders:
Kaylen Williams was nominated by staff for his ability to follow his true north. We enjoy watching Kaylen be so confident in his values.
Jayceen Caspersen was nominated by staff for her ability to be true to what she believes in.
It does not matter what everyone else is doing, Jayceen takes ownership of her own drive and happiness.
Congratulations to all of our CLMS & MHS Growing Leaders!
#mhs #metlakatlahighschool #metlakatla #alaska #education #growingleaders
See's Candy Fundraiser!
MHS Cross Country Team is selling See's Candy Nov. 1-28!
Sales will be entirely online and shipped directly to you. All proceeds go towards team uniforms and warmups!
Find a Cross Country Team Member to get a link so they will receive credit for your purchase OR simply use the link below:
#mhs #crosscountry #aisd #aisdproud #education #metlakatla #alaska #fundraiser #seescandies
Join us TODAY for a Halloween Family Scavenger Hunt from 4:00-6:00 pm!
-It should take your family about half an hour to complete, so you can start anywhere between 4-5:30.
-It’s happening rain or shine! You'll be able to walk or drive.
-We’re starting at the Richard Johnson Elementary Gym door!
-You'll have the chance to visit different businesses and enter for a chance to win some awesome prizes (check out the picture to see them)!
We hope to see you there! 🎃
#aisd #halloween #aisdproud
It's almost here!
Join us on Monday October 31st for a Halloween Family Scavenger Hunt from 4:00-6:00 pm, starting at the Richard Johnson Elementary Gym! You'll have the chance to visit different businesses and enter for a chance to win some awesome prizes (check out the picture to see them)! 🎃
You'll be able to walk or drive for this event- we hope to see you there!
#aisd #halloween #aisdproud #scavengerhunt #metlakatla #education #alaska #family #community
Attention RJES Families!
We're going to have a fun Halloween Parade, Assembly, and live music on October 31st! We'll start the parade through the district at 1:30. We encourage all students and staff to wear their costumes to school- see you there!
#rjes #elementary #halloween #school #education #metlakatla #alaska
Attention MHS & AISD Community:
MHS Cross Country Team is selling See's Candy Nov. 1-28! Sales will be entirely online and shipped directly to you.
Stay tuned on Tuesday, Nov. 1 for the link or look for Cross Country Team Members to get started!
#mhs #crosscountry #fundraiser #seescandy #chocolate #metlakatla #highschool #alaska
Friendly Reminder!
In order to keep our gym clean for a busy weekend of basketball games, we ask that NO outside food is brought in the gym.
Concessions will be available for purchase!
Thank you for your support of AISD Athletics & Activities!
#aisd #aisdproud #athletics #education #metlakatla #education
Attention CLMS Community:
Two of our Friday 10/28 Braves Games have switched times:
5:15 will now be Met A vs. Schoenbar A
6:30 will now be Met B vs. Schoenbar B
#clms #basketball #metlakatla #middleschool #athletics #alaska
Class of 2023 Families & Metlakatla Indian Community!
Are you ready to complete your FAFSA?
Do you have any questions related to going to school?
Are you wanting to go to school and need help with the first step?
On Thursday, October27th from 7:00-8:00 pm at the High School we will be completing the FAFSA together, getting some great tips for scholarships, and getting any general post-High School questions answered.
What you will need to bring:
-2020 or 2021 Tax return
-Your Student’s Laptop & Charger
-Driver’s License or ID
-Social Security Number
-Great Attitude!
Contact Chelsea Martinez with any questions! 509-855-2958
#mhs #metlakatlahighschool #metlakatla #college #fafsa #education #alaska #classof2023
Our Richard Johnson 2nd & 3rd grade concert is TONIGHT at 5:30! Come see our hardworking musicians as they perform their concert, "Nah ła Luudisk" (Harvest Time has Ended)!
When: TONIGHT, Tuesday October 25th 5:30 PM
Where: RJES Gym
The concert will also be live-streamed if you are not able to attend in-person.
See you there!
#rjes #concert #musiceducation #metlakatla #alaska #education #elementaryschool #fall
Here are the schedules for this Friday and Saturday CLMS Braves & Lady Braves home basketball games! Wayi Wah! 🏀
Friday 10/28:
4:00 Charter vs. Schoenbar B
5:15 Schoenbar B vs. Metlakatla B
6:30 Metlakatla A vs. Schoenbar A
7:45 Charter vs. Metlakatla C
Saturday 10/29:
9:00 Metlakatla B vs. Charter
10:15 Metlakatla A vs. Schoenbar A
11:30 Schoenbar B vs. Metlakatla B and C
1:00 Schoenbar A vs. Metlakatla A
2:15 Schoenbar B vs. Metlakatla B
3:30 Charter 6th vs. Metlakatla C
4:45 Charter B vs. Schoenbar B
6:00 Schoenbar A vs. Metlakatla A
7:15 Charter B vs. Metlakatla B
#clms #aisd #aisdproud #education #basketball #athletics #students #metlakatla #alaska
Join us on October 31st for a Halloween Family Scavenger Hunt from 4:00-6:00 pm, starting at the Richard Johnson Elementary Gym! You'll have the chance to visit different businesses and enter for a chance to win some awesome prizes, including a bike and sports equipment!
See you there!
#aisd #halloween #aisdproud #scavengerhunt #metlakatla #education #alaska #family #community
It's Red Ribbon Week! Our CLMS Leadership Team put together an awesome Spirit Week- check out the flyer to see the dress-up plan for each day!
#aisd #redribbonweek #spiritweek #aisdproud #metlakatla #alaska
Attention AISD Community:
We will be holding hearing and vision tests for students the week of October 24th!
If you have questions regarding these tests, please contact Nurse Hudson:, 907-617-7889
You can also view this flyer here:
#aisd #aisdproud #education #schoolnurse #metlakatla #alaska
Reminder! Tomorrow Friday 10/21 is an Early Release at 1:30!
#aisd #aisdproud #rjes #clms #mhs #metlakatla #school #schedule #alaska
Have you seen the RJES #aamdzapsm board? It's where our elementary teachers can show off their students' excellent work! Recently, Aubrey and Rylan BOTH received 100% on a multiplication assessment in Mr. Stemp's class! Aam dzapsm!
#rjes #elementaryschool #aisd #aisdproud #math #education #aamdzapsm #metlakatla #alaska