Vision Statement
We support a robust internship program to support and empower all students to explore career paths that best fits their passions, personality, values, and life goals. As part of our post-secondary planning efforts that connect the school district with the community, the program offers opportunities for meaningful experiential education where students learn to become self-reliant, respectful, contributing, and culturally engaged citizens.
What are the benefits of internships?
Benefits for Students
Gain hands-on experience at a local business to build upon skills learned in the classroom.
Establish a clear connection between education and work.
Develop an understanding of the workplace under the guidance of an adult mentor.
Explore and research a variety of careers.
Develop workplace responsibility and learn about workplace realities.
Establish professional contacts for future employment and mentoring.
Establish positive work habits and attitudes.
Learn technical skills that will be invaluable for future jobs.
Understand what education opportunities are available that will lead to a career in their chosen career pathway.
Benefits for Employers
Gain access to an expanded pool of qualified applicants.
Invest early to get hard-to-find people “trained your way”.
See future employees in action before hiring them and hire those who fit your company culture and expectations.
Establish closer working relationships with local schools and educators.
Introduce students to their business and careers available within their company.
Communicate to students how important it is to learn well: how to read, write, speak, listen, calculate, and think when it comes to workplace success.
Be seen as an active and caring part of the community.
Generate positive publicity and public relations for their company.
Help students make better informed educational and career choices.
Build morale among employees by giving them something positive in which to participate.
Influence curricula taught in schools.
Develop new projects with student assistance.
Communicate required job-specific proficiencies to educational personnel.